We are a Boutique Law Firm Representing Whistleblowers and Victims of Fraud. Schedule Your Consultation Now.
  • Whistleblower Attorneys
    We accept whistleblower cases on a contingency fee basis, we don't charge a fee unless our clients receive a reward.
  • Handling Cases in the U.S. and Internationally
    Over $74 Million in Awards Obtained And Over 75 Years of Collective Experience Handling Cases.

Federal Whistleblower Attorneys

We are among the premier whistleblower law firms in the USA handling securities and complex fraud cases for our entire careers.

Over 75 Years of Collective Experience

Over $74 Million in Awards Obtained. Over 75 Years of Collective Experience. Handling Cases in the U.S. and Internationally.

Quick Contact Us

    Who We Are?

    Pugsley Wood LLP is a specialty law firm dedicated to representing and protecting clients who have come forward to report fraud. Our team of whistleblower attorneys have many years of experience assisting clients with the investigation of whistleblower cases, navigating the complex statutory framework relating to these claims, maintaining the confidentiality of our clients, submitting tips or filing lawsuits, and protecting our clients against retaliation.

    Our Practice Areas

    SEC Whistleblower Cases

    Attorneys Advocating for SEC Whistleblowers Throughout the Country

    CFTC Whistleblower Cases

    Lawyers Representing CFTC Whistleblowers Throughout the United States

    IRS Whistleblower Cases

    Lawyers Helping IRS Whistleblowers Protect Their Interests

    False Claims Act

    Lawyers Assisting Parties in the Pursuit of Qui Tam Cases Throughout the Country

    Other Whistleblower Programs

    We Assist Parties with FIRREA Whistleblower Claims Across the United States

    FINRA Arbitrations

    Lawyers Representing Parties in FINRA Arbitrations Across the United States

    Contact Us:

    Fill out the contact form or call us at (855) 550-8300 to schedule your consultation.

    Email: info@PugsleyWood.com

    Toll Free Number: (855) 550-8300

    Boston Office: 53 State St #570, Boston, MA 02109

    Salt Lake City Office: 350 E 400 S #400
    Salt Lake City, UT 84111

    We Serve Clients Nationwide.

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